All providers in the practice, plus key leadership staff, need to agree on the change options that you all will work on.
It is also helpful to include other staff who currently or may implement these strategies in the future, to get everyone’s buy in.
Download and print the above discussion guide to help with this process. You may choose to include the following people (make a copy for each person):
Physician Champion and Operations Champion, and all providers (MDs, NPs, PAs)
Other clinical support staff
Non-clinical staff
Have each person fill out the form individually, then follow the instructions to combine the scores and discuss to reach a consensus on your practice’s final selections.
[memb_has_any_tag1 not=not tagid=133] 3. MOC Project Selections:
Once you all have finalized your four choices, select and submit them below.
Please ask all of your providers to complete the Vaccine Communication Training in this web portal. (They should have received an email with their login info and a link to the training module.)
When you receive the email with your MOC forms, please fill in your practice-specific information where indicated.
Print the completed forms and have all relevant physicians sign them.
Upload your completed and signed forms below. After dragging or selecting each file, be sure to click on the black button “Send to CPF.
Then, CPF will send the forms to the Vanderbilt Department of Pediatrics.
At the end of each MOC project: Submit MOC attestation forms
Follow these INSTRUCTIONS for each participating physician to download a personalized MOC attestation form from the ABP website.
After physicians sign the attestation forms, either the Operations Champion or Physician Champion can upload them below. You can upload each physician’s form separately or all the forms combined into one file (pdf or image files).
After dragging or selecting each file, be sure to click on the black button “Send to CPF.”
Next Dr. Hull will sign the attestation forms as Project Leader, and CPF will give the signed attestation forms to Vanderbilt Department of Pediatrics. Department of Pediatrics will forward completion documentation to the ABP so that you can receive credit for the MOC project.
Reminder: Per MOC Part IV requirements, all physicians must complete a separate training on Quality Improvement.
• Attending the CME presentation on May 10, 2017, met this requirement.
• All others must complete online QI training modules through the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI).
Email to request more information about accessing the IHI training modules.
NOTE: This page may not be compatible with Internet Explorer or mobile phone browsers. Please use on a computer in Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari browsers.
All providers (MDs, NPs, PAs) and any other staff trained to implement standing orders should complete this vaccine communication training module. If you have staff you would like to access the training, please send the list of names, position titles, and email addresses to so we can create logins for them.
The module includes the latest recommendations on how to make effective recommendations to all patients and how to respond to vaccine hesitant parents